Irish Whiskey 375ML

Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish whiskey that is triple distilled and aged in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years. more details
Key Features:
  • Blended Irish whiskey
  • Triple distilled
  • Aged in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years

R239.99 from Mothercityliquor

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Manufacturer Jameson
Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish whiskey that is triple distilled and aged in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years.

Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish whiskey.Step 1 is to take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Step 2 is to triple distil them which is what gives it its signature smoothness. Finally it is aged in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years.
Nose:A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes.
Palate:A balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sherry.
Finish:Smooth with a short finish that calls for another sip.
Bottle Size: 375ml
Alc: 43%
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